You don't want to lose beautiful, expensive things. This also applies to your (electric) bicycle. The Fris Smart Tracker is recognized by insurers and provides optimum theft protection. With the unique tracking transmitter, which other GPS transmitters do not have, we can track your vehicle in real time if it is stolen and find it exactly, outside and inside. The Fris Smart Tracker is intended for the Dutch LoRa network.
Is your beloved property missing? After you report it to the control room, the local investigation team will come Fris immediately into action, locates your bicycle with accuracy down to the meter and returns it for free to any desired location in the Netherlands*.
*Exception: recovered bicycles that have been seized by the police for further investigation, or have been removed by the municipality and are stored at a municipal AFAC depot.
Why protect your (electric) bicycle?
Bicycle theft is the most common form of crime. Last year, around 735.000 bicycles were stolen, of which 110.000 were e-bikes. Valuable two-wheelers in particular are popular with criminals, whether they are an occasional thief or a professional gang. In addition to always having to double lock your bicycle, more is needed to really secure your valuable bicycle. With the Fris Smart Tracker we will find your stolen bicycle for you. Thanks to our track & trace system, we have traced 95% of stolen bicycles and e-bikes and successfully returned them to the rightful owner.
Curious about the best way to secure your (electric) bicycle? Read more about it in our blog!
Click here Fris Smart Tracker manual for bicycles and e-bikes